Posts in Podcast
Ep 45 - Jason and the Argonauts: Avengers of Antiquity

ANTIQUITY AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! Strap on a single sandal and hop aboard the Argo cause we’re going on a quest for the Golden Fleece! We are setting sail for high jinks on the high seas with Jason and every hero in Ancient Greece! Old man Demigod Hercules will be there, as will Orpheus the master musician, Peleus (Achilles’s dad), the Boreas Bois (literal sons of the North Wind), Castor and Pollux, Meleager and Atalanta (Greece’s most famous lady hero)! Listen in to learn about the Golden Ram of Hermes, Jason’s quest for his inheritance, the ladies of Lemnos, and Zeus’s most petty revenge. Tune in for a smashing ending!

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Ep 44 - Namahage: Japanese New Year's Oni

Hello and welcome to the year 2019! For our first episode of the new year, we have got a new year’s Oni demon coming to you from Japan to scare the willies out of all the bad kids out there. Better beware, the Namahage is out there and he knows you didn’t stick to your resolutions!

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Ep 43 - Just Claus 2: Belsnickel versus Gryla and the Yule Lads

It’s the second round of our ultimate festive fright night fight challenge! We gathered our holiday classics for your listening pleasure this Yuletide season. Who will win and become the new (recommended) Pepsi holiday mascot?

In this bracket, Belsnickel and the Gryla are facing down this holiday season! Listen closely for the sounds of switches whipping and drunk fur pelt-wearing Santa contenders!  We hope you have received your obligatory gift clothes and haven't been taken away in Gryla's sack! If you thought Gryla was bad then wait until you meet her spawn -- the Yule Lads! Thirteen days of thirteen awful monsters breaking into your house and mildly inconveniencing you and your family for the Icelandic Yuletide Christmas.

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Ep 42 - Just Claus: Krampus versus La Befana

Ho ho ho and Happy everyday is Krampusnaucht! We gathered our holiday classics for your listening pleasure this Yuletide season. Along with the gift of our holiday classics, we’re upping the stakes this year and bringing you the ultimate festive fright night fight challenge! Who will win and become the new (recommended) Pepsi holiday mascot?

In this corner, you know him, you fear him, you hope that sacks not for you, it’s Krampus, the Austrian Christmas Claw! And in the other corner, here she comes riding in on her broom, La Befana the Italian Christmas Witch! Better leave out some sausage, broccoli, and wine for her!

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Ep 41 - Holiday Classics: All I Want for Saturnalia is Yule

Yule want to listen to this episode and our upcoming holiday classics! This episode is Yuletide and Saturnalia all in one. We hope you are ready to lose your togas and don your pileus caps! Gather your wine and your wassail, take a seat and light the log and party for at least a week to celebrate Saturn and the Golden Age of Man in our favorite Roman Holiday, Saturnalia!

We're not limiting this classic re-release celebration to Classical Rome. No sir! It's not a Yuletide party until you've ridden your Sleipnir with Odin all the way up and down the heims for a raucous season of the hunt.

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Ep 40 - Osiris, Isis, and The Falcon King

In this episode, Krista and Christian are once again joined by Anthony Saweres to drunkenly discuss the creation of the year and those rascally grandchildren of Ra: Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nephthys. In what was possibly one of the first tellings of Lion King we get the brother betrayal of the death of Osiris and Isis outsmarting Set time and time again, leading up to the final boss battle. In one corner, Set god of darkness in the form of a giant hippo, and in the other corner Horus in the form of… a giant handsome man? You’ll have to listen to find out.

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Ep 39 - Egyptian Myth: Origins with Anthony Saweres

Baby, it’s a Bad Ra-mance! We’re tackling the Egyptian origin story with our resident Egyptian and editor, Anthony Saweres. He’s giving us the deets on the birth of Golden Egg boy Ra and thus the world of Egypt. Ra the creator is gonna make a whole bunch of good things to serve him while he’s working the Pharaoh biz, until he gets too old and everyone stops respecting him.

So angry Ra makes the powerful Sekhmet to lay down the hurt on man for the dis until she takes the lion’s share of man-flesh and clever Ra’s gotta fix it all with some craft beers.

But the real trick is Isis, who’s gotta know Ra’s real name, the source of his power, and the hook for this episode.

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Ep 38 - Vampires of Ghana: From Adze to Obayifo

It’s the last of our Vampires around the Worldfest 2018 for you fine folks! We got a spooky assortment of mythological bloodsuckers from West Africa and we think you’re Ghana love it! From the Togo to Cote d’Ivoire and all that Ghana in between, we’ve got legends from the Ashanti and Ewe peoples. First up is the bloodsucking shape-shifting firefly better known as an Adze. Watch out for the insects, they’ll suck the life right out of you. But beware up in the trees for the even more deadly iron teeth and iron hooked-feet of the Asanbosam and the Sasabonsam! And scariest of all some say, beware the Obayifo and it’s glowing armpits and anuses. Wait, what.

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Ep 37 - Vampires of China: Jiangshi Can Jump

The third installment of Drunk Mythology’s Vampires Around the World is taking you all to China, where the Jiangshi is hopping your way. The hungry ghost is coming for your chi thanks to the help of your local corpse-driver. Gee, thanks. 5 stars for that driver. If you’ve got a mirror, you might be able to stop this undead Qin dynasty bureaucrat from sucking your life-force. Don’t worry, we’ve got the down-low on this high hopper.

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Ep 36 - Vampires of Malaysia: Heads Up, Penanggalan

Mind your head, we’ve got a floating fanged Nosferatu coming at ya from Malaysia on this week’s Vampires Around the World! She’s a Penanggalan and you better have a pineapple or a sharp wit to fight this Southeast Asian bloodsucker.

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Ep 35 - Vampires of the Philippines: Aswangs and you

Hello from the undead side! We are kicking off October with our series Vampires around the world with the Aswang of the Philippines. We got Aswangs, we got Tik-Tiks, we got Wak-Waks, we got Sok-Sok, and Bayot, and Zegben, and so many more regional varieties all across the Philippine islands. We take a deep dive into this shape-shifting, day-walking, baby amniotic fluid eating, proboscis having creature of the night. So be friendly to your neighbors, your butchers, and get yourself a stingray tail-whip because they’re coming for you!

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Ep 34 - Korean Myths and Mythstakes Pt. 2 with Steven and Melanie Moore

Previously on Drunk Mythology… Krista and Christian were joined by Melanie and Steven Moore on a journey to Jeju Island for a soju-driven dive into a Korean Creation Myth. And then we lost half the episode. But we dug deep and got drunk all over again on somek and with all four of our brain bits we were able to recant the tales of the victorious Cheonjiwang and his ridiculous, good and bad, Jack and the Beanstalk climbing up to heaven sons, Daebyeol and Sobyeol. This part 2 features twice the sons, twice the moons, twice the suns, and this time the stories are even more… AMAZING.

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Ep 33 - Ride of the Valkyries

Grab your mead, don your horned helm, we are riding to victory with the Valkyries! This week we're talking about the winged women of Odin and roll call a few notable Norse, including a Norn.

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Ep 32 - Korean Myths and Mythstakes with Steven and Melanie Moore

On this episode of Drunk Mythology, Krista and Christian are joined by Melanie and Steven Moore on a journey to Jeju Island for a soju driven dive into a Korean Creation Myth. Where we pose several questions with no answers like: Where did the Rooster Emperors go? How many animals does it take to beat 4 and 30,000 naughty boys? Are there multiple Willow Trees? Join us to hear how Korea got its creation back. It'll be...Amazing.

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Ep 31 - Finn McCool: Rebel without a Giant's Causeway

Are you too Finn McCool for school? Are you ready for the giant fight of the century? In the Irish corner, Finn McCool and his clever lady Oona, the pride and joy and baby boy of the Emerald Isle. And in the Scottish corner, one giant, two names, the one, the only --- Benandonner the big red giant. Tonight these giants will build bridges and break bread and cry and then run away like giant babies.

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Ep 30 - The Shahnameh Chronicles Pt. 3: The Return of the King Kavus with Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi

Make way listeners for Prince Rostam! Here is the final chapter of our series on Iranian poet Firdawsi's Shahnameh with special guests and Persian culture & mythology experts, Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi.

Heroic Prince Rostam labors away, beating local villagers and saving the foolhardy King Kavus who has been blinded and kidnapped by the evil white demon *cough* King Theoden and Sarumon *cough*. Rakash and Rostam rescue the king of Mazandaran and go off onto many more adventures, like accidentally committing filicide and eventually succumbing to siblicide after 600 years of living that rock & roll prince lifestyle. And we say goodbye to our special guests Katie and Damir who have been with us for this 60,000 couplet ride.

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Ep 29 - The Shahnameh Chronicles Pt. 2: The True Prince of Persia with Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi

We continue our dive into Firdawsi's Shahnameh with special guests and Persian culture & mythology experts, Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi.

In this part 2, we follow the one, the only, the true Prince of Persia. Hero-prince Rostam will go across deserts and mountains in order to fall asleep in some reeds to maybe save King Kai Kavus. Rostam will meet the beautiful princess Tahmina and then leave her for a horse. Along the way, that faithful horse Rakash will fight lions and dragons, while Rostam kills a sheep and fights all of Fleetwood Mac. We'll have one final part to come, so keep listening!

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Ep 28 - The Shahnameh Chronicles Pt. 1 with Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi

Shananananaha Shanameh we got multi-part series that starts today. Special guests and resident Persian culture & mythology experts, Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi, tell us about Firdawsi and his epic 60,000 couplet book, the Shahnameh --- the Book of Kings.

In part 1, we dive into the history of Firdawsi, the Shahnameh and the first part of the epic tome. Featuring bad dads and magical eagle moms, a more practical Rapunzel, 30 days of weddings with ropes and drinking, some sweet, sweet, albino baby Benjamin Buttons, and a whole mess of sexy blacksmiths.

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Ep 27 - You're Welcome, Maui

Hey listeners, hey listeners! Make way, make way! We've got a story or two, about Maui's feats for you. Disney copyrights aside, he raised islands from the tide. Who needs more time for fun? Maui's gonna pull the sun. A little too cool in your seat? Maui's gonna bring the heat. Who needs anyone else, when Maui's all you need. And talk about coconuts? Maui made the trees. We've got the stories, about Maui.

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Ep 26 - Pokemon of the Old Testament with Sam Lemberger

Leviathan, Behemoth and Ziz walk into a bar on this week's Drunk Mythology with special guest Sam Lemberger. Together we drink and discuss the three's company of Old Testament Monsters who evolved into the Weather Trio of Pokemon legend. That's right Drunk Mythologists, it's a Pokemon episode! Get ready to learn about the true origins of Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. I swear to Arceus we are telling the truth.

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