Ep 28 - The Shahnameh Chronicles Pt. 1 with Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi

Shananananaha Shanameh we got multi-part series that starts today. Special guests and resident Persian culture & mythology experts, Katie Scott and Damir Siahkoohi, tell us about Firdawsi and his epic 60,000 couplet book, the Shahnameh --- the Book of Kings.

In part 1, we dive into the history of Firdawsi, the Shahnameh and the first part of the epic tome. Featuring bad dads and magical eagle moms, a more practical Rapunzel, 30 days of weddings with ropes and drinking, some sweet, sweet, albino baby Benjamin Buttons, and a whole mess of sexy blacksmiths.

Drunk Mythology is a podcast created by Krista and Christian, recounting the feats and failures of world Mythology, with a few drinks along the way.